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The BitterSweet End

How could an infinite God take on limitations?  Could God still be infinite if he is limited?

Well before we tackle this question, let’s define the topic as according to some traditional apologetics.  “The infinite nature of God simply means that God exists outside of and is not limited by time or space. Infinite simply means ‘without limits.’  When we refer to God as infinite, we generally refer to Him with terms like omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence.”  As stated by the Christian apologetic website Got  Basically meaning God can do anything and everything, and nothing is impossible for God because he is infinite in nature.

To some this might seem like a nit-picky post, but I’m just pointing out the obvious.  That if we say God is infinite & without limits.  And then in the next sentence and same breath we say God can’t…(Fill in Blank Attribute.

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